Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Who does Wade endorse?

Why the IMB Policy on Baptism
Is a Good Policy vs Wade Burleson's

The Southern Baptist Convention's International Mission Board policy requiring its missionaries to have been baptized by immersion in relation to a Baptist church or some other church which similarly practices immersion and believes in salvation by grace, is obviously a good policy to one who believes that Baptist doctrine is scriptural doctrine.

Baptists don't want a missionary on the field who has to admit he was immersed by the Campbellites, for example. Campbellite baptism is the baptism of a person who, according to the Campbellites, was not even yet saved prior to baptism thru believing in Christ.

Baptists don't want to send a missionary who has to say he was immersed by a Pedobaptist Presbyterian whose baptism is represented by the Presbyterian Church to be a "sign and seal" of a covenant which includes the regeneration of infants in infancy.

They don't want to send a missionary who was immersed by Primitive or Hardshell Baptists whose baptism is associated with the idea that regeneration is "by the Spirit alone" apart from hearing and believing the Gospel.

They don't want a missionary who was immersed by Pentecostals who teach that baptism is necessary to salvation, speaking in tongues, and "entire sanctification" (sinless perfection).

They don't want a missionary who was immersed by the Assembly of God whose baptism is considered bo be just one of the good works which is necessary to gaining ultimate salvation.

They don't want a missionary who was immersed by the Lutherans whose baptism is supposed to be related somehow to one's regeneration.

They don't want a missionary who was immersed by some cult whose baptism is related to a false gospel.

They don't want a missionary who was immersed by the Roman Catholic Church whose baptism supposedly puts one in the RCC and in subjection to the Pope.

Just whose immersion does Wade Burleson want Southern Baptists to endorse as OK for SBC missionary candidates? Would he please supply a list of the approved sources?

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