Saturday, April 18, 2009

Spurgeon sermons on the web

55 Volumes of Spurgeon's Sermons
Now on the Internet

Forty years ago (1969), we launched the reprinting of C. H. Spurgeon's 63 volume set of New Park Street and Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, Years 1855-1917, a total of 3,563 sermons.

Several years ago, with the introduction of the Internet, Brother Emmett O'Donnell rather quietly and without any fanfare, began the unpaid task of putting the entire set of sermons on the web. Emmett's hand has been on the plough ever since, and he has just reported that he has completed 55 volumes of the set -- a tremendous feat for one who is relatively immobile due to physical injuries received years ago.

When we launched the reprinting of the books in 1969, we never dreamed of the origin of the Internet and that one day the Lord would put it into the mind and heart of someone to put the sermons on the web, and so we stand in awe of how the Lord has used and continues to use his servant, Brother Emmett O'Donnell.

Not only the sermons in English, but Brother Emmett also is responsible for the Spanish sermons being put on the web, as translated in Mexico City by Brother Allan Roman (see earlier post).

Here is Emmett's latest report:

April 18, 2009

Dear Ones,

Rejoice with me that our Lord continues to use me to work on the Spurgeon sermons. By His Grace there are now 55 complete volumes on our site. I covet your prayers that He would keep me faithful to this work.

Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to God the Father!
Not Mary. Not Moses. Not Mohammed.
JESUS CHRIST is the only way.
(John 14:6).

Brother Emmett O'Donnell

Over 3,000 free C.H. Spurgeon sermons in today's language.

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