Saturday, December 19, 2009

New Book of Spurgeon Sermons

C. H. Spurgeon's Sermons Beyond the Final Volume of
Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit

By Doug Kutilek

From: "AS I SEE IT"
Volume 12, Number 12, December 2009

A Truly New Volume of Spurgeon’s Sermons

For 63 consecutive years, week by week, beginning in 1855 and terminating in mid-1917--25 years after Spurgeon’s death!--due only to severe paper shortages in England caused by the Great War, a sermon preached by Charles Haddon Spurgeon was published in London by Passmore and Alabaster.

These weekly sermons were collected into annual bound volumes, the first six called The New Park Street Pulpit, the rest, beginning in 1861, called The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit. These 63 volumes constitute a not-quite exhaustive collection of sermons preached by Spurgeon, stenographically recorded, then edited by Spurgeon (or occasionally by one his close associates) in preparation for publication. [Reprinted by PILGRIM PUBLICATIONS, Pasadena, Texas 77501]

Happy--blessed--is the man who has such a set complete, and happier still if he frequently reads from its contents.

I am indeed a blessed man in both regards; I acquired my first volume of the Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit as a 21st birthday gift from my wife in 1973, and in the years since, have added a volume here, several there, until I finally in the last decade purchased the last missing volume or two. (My set is mostly Pilgrim reprints, with a handful or more of Banner of Truth editions, and even a few original Passmore and Alabaster volumes). Though very far from having read the entire set -- I know a couple of preachers who have -- I do read from it more frequently than from all other sermons in my library combined, and if you have read AISI for any amount of time, you have probably noted that I quote from Spurgeon more than any 3 or 4 other writers combined (twice in this issue alone).

When serial publication of Spurgeon’s sermons ceased in 1917, there remained a number of sermons in manuscript that had never been published in the NPSP / MTP series (though the floating reports of as many as 500 additional manuscript sermons seems based on a misunderstanding; most of these manuscripts are apparently of already published sermons), as well as a considerable number that had been published elsewhere, particularly in The Baptist Messenger, where a monthly message from Spurgeon appeared for several decades, but which never became a part of the NPSP / MTP series.

From the manuscripts of unpublished sermons, twenty were published in book form in 1922, in a little volume, Able to the Uttermost (reprinted by Pilgrim Publications in 1985 and still available from them). This was the only collection of new sermon material by Spurgeon published after 1917--all the “Twelve Sermons on XYZ” and other sermon books published in the many decades since were merely selections from the 63-volume set. But now, some truly new sermons that have never appeared in book form have been published. Day One Publications of Leominster, England has published this year C. H. Spurgeon’s Sermons beyond Volume 63: an authentic supplement to the Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, which consists of 45 sermons originally published in The Baptist Messenger periodical, compiled therefrom by Terence Peter Crosby.

The hardback volume of 640 pages is similar to the original sermon set in size and format (it is a few millimeters shorter than my other volumes, but comparable in thickness), and with very readable type and layout on the page. I will be manually adding the relevant information to the complete index of Spurgeon’s published sermons produced by PILGRIM PUBLICATIONS, as I did with Able to the Uttermost when I got that volume some years ago.

The book may be obtained through Pilgrim Publications, PO Box 66, Pasadena, Texas, 77501; phone: (713) 477-4261.

If you thought your set of Spurgeon’s sermons was complete, be assured that you now must have this volume for it to be truly so.
---Doug Kutilek

BOB'S NOTE: This unsolicited review by Brother Kutilek of the new volume of Spurgeon's sermons is an excellent description of the volume. We have already sold out of our original supply and have just this week received another shipment.

We have mentioned this book in a couple of pre-publication emails earlier this year, and we now have the book on hand to fill orders.

PRIICE: $43.00, which includes shipping.

Order by Phone: credit card order line 1-800-411-2061.

Order by Fax: 1-713-477-7561

Order by Email:

Order by USPS Mail: Pilgrim Publications, P. O. Box 66, Pasadena, Texas 77501

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Personal Library Books


I have recently been emailing lists of books and Bibles from my personal library which I am offering for sale. If the reader wishes to have those lists and continuing lists as they are mailed, send your email address to:

"Why are you selling your books?" has been asked.

I am 74 years old and do not anticipate the need for them in the future as in the past, and I would like the satisfaction of knowing that other younger people will perhaps profit from them. At this stage, most of my books are on the shelves simply catching dust.

These are not merely "culled out" books, but the very cream of the crop in my library. Several have already been sold and mailed, and we have been getting a steady response to the first few lists. But there are hundreds more yet to be listed and mailed. You may find something you can use. Also, if you want to give me a "want list," I could conceivably have what you are looking for.
-- Bob L. Ross

Friday, October 2, 2009

Burleson Continues Abuse of CHS


In a follow-up criticism of C. H. Spurgeon, Wade Burleson continues to demonstrate either his ignorance or his prejudice in publishing the following false charge:

"Spurgeon sought a doctrinal statement for the Baptist Union that would be more precise in defining the doctrines of grace."

Readers who are interested in Spurgeon's own testimony about this may consult the original documents at the following:

The Downgrade Controversy at Phil Johnson's website. Also, an excellent analysis of the controversy by Dennis Swanson is available on the web at

In none of the major articles on the Down Grade did Spurgeon involve the matter of "Calvinism" on "the doctrines of grace," but he focused upon the core doctrines of the Bible, the basic fundamentals, which are shared by all theological systems which accept the inspiration and authority of the Scriptures.

Here are excerpts from Spurgeon which demonstrate the facts in contrast to Burleson's Burlesque:

The Sword and the Trowel, April 1887, pages 195, 196:

>We care far more for the central evangelical truths than we do for Calvinism as a system; but we believe that Calvinism has in it a conservative force which helps to hold men to the vital truth, and therefore we are sorry to see any quitting it who have once accepted it. Those who hold the eternal verities of salvation, and yet do not see all that we believe and embrace, are by no means the objects of our opposition: our warfare is with men who are giving up the atoning sacrifice, denying the inspiration of Holy Scripture, and casting slurs upon justification by faith. The present struggle is NOT A DEBATE upon the question of Calvinism or Arminianism, but of the truth of God versus the inventions of men. ALL WHO BELIEVE THE GOSPEL should unite against that "modern thought" which is its deadly enemy.<

The Sword and the Trowel, August 1887, pages 397-400:

>Read those newspapers which represent the Broad School of Dissent, and ask yourself, How much farther could they go? What doctrine remains to be abandoned? What other truth to be the object of contempt? A new religion has been initiated . . . The Atonement is scouted, the inspiration of Scripture is derided, the Holy Spirit is degraded into an influence, the punishment of sin is turned into fiction, and the resurrection into a myth, and yet these enemies of our faith expect us to call them brethren, and maintain a confederacy with them! . . . Too many ministers are toying with the deadly cobra of "another gospel," in the form of "modern thought" . . . The case is mournful. Certain ministers are making infidels. Avowed atheists are not a tenth as dangerous as those preachers who scatter doubt and stab at faith. . . . Germany was made unbelieving by her preachers, and England is following in her track. . . . We fear it is hopeless ever to form a society which can keep out men base enough to profess one thing and believe another; but it might be possible to make an informal alliance among all who hold the Christianity of their fathers.<

The Sword and the Trowel, December 1887, page 642:

>Certain antagonists have tried to represent the Down Grade controversy as a revival of the old feud between Calvinists and Arminians. IT IS NOTHING OF THE KIND. Many evangelical ARMINIANS are as earnestly ON OUR SIDE as men can be. We do not conceal our own Calvinism in the least; but this conflict is for truths which are common to all believers. This is no battle over words, but it deals with the eternal verities -- those foundation truths which belong not exclusively to this party or to that. It is of no use attempting to drag this red herring across our path: we can argue other points and maintain Christian harmony at the same time: but with those who treat the Bible as waste paper, and regard the death of Christ as no substitution, we have no desire for fellowship. We have come out in earnest protest, and feel great content of conscience in having done so.< The Sword and the Trowel, February 1888, page 82:

>I would like all Christendom to know that all I asked of the Union is that it be formed on a Scriptural basis; and that I never sought to intrude upon it any Calvinistic or other personal creed, but only that form of belief which has been accepted for many years by the Evangelical Alliance, which includes members of well-nigh ALL CHRISTIAN COMMUNITIES.< The Sword and the Trowel, October 1888, page 563:

>We are represented as wishing to force upon the churches a narrow CREED. Nothing was further from our mind. We do not consider that the demand for agreement to vital truths COMMON TO ALL Christians can be looked upon as a piece of sectarian bigotry. Here is a man [i. e., Spurgeon], who is himself a Calvinist, who does not ask that a Union should draw up a Calvinistic creed, but only begs for one which will let the whole world know that brethren are associated as Christians, and that those who do not agree to the first principles of our faith will be intruders. Is this narrowness?< color="#3366ff">Why does Wade Burleson attempt to discredit with his farrago about C. H. Spurgeon?

What is Burleson's hang-up? Does he think he can embellish his name by trashing Spurgeon on the Downgrade Controversy? Well, I have news for the Wade Burleson Burlesque Company:

Spurgeon's name will continue to shine long after Burleson's has faded into oblivion.

NOTE: Much misunderstanding and misrepresentation about Spurgeon and the Down Grade is probably the result of the Iain Murray's unfortunate inaccuracies about Spurgeon. You may read my refutation of Murray at this link:

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Burleson's Latest Burlesque


Pastor Wade Burleson, Enid, Oklahoma, has published a criticism of C. H. Spurgeon (1834-1892) which in effect alleges that Spurgeon was a liar with regard to The Downgrade Controversy in the latter years of his ministry. You can read the originsl documents related to this controversy at Phil Johnson's website at
Spurgeon himself declared on the pages of his magazine, The Sword and the Trowel, that the issue was theological:

"Our warfare is with men who are giving up the atoning sacrifice, denying the inspiration of Holy Scripture, and casting slurs upon justification by faith. The present struggle is not a debate upon the question of Calvinism or Arminianism, but of the truth of God versus the inventions of men. All who believe the gospel should unite against that 'modern thought' which is its deadly enemy." (April, 1887, page 195).

Contrary to the word of Spurgeon, Wade Burleson alleges that The Downgrade Controversy was "not theological in nature." While Burleson claims he is a great admirer of Spurgeon, his recent criticism in effect makes Spurgeon a liar. Not only so, but Burleson goes even further and accuses Spurgeon of "unbiblical treatment" of pastors in the Baptist Union who did not share Spurgeon's concern.

Burleson says, "There is, however, one area in Spurgeon's ministry where I believe he made a grave mistake. . . . In my opinion, the controversy between the Baptist Union and Charles Haddon Spurgon was not theological in nature. The problem arose out of Spurgeon's unbiblical treatment of fellow pastors within the Baptist Union."

Burleson has managed to accomplish "making a name for himself" in recent years, as we have had occasion to mention on both The Calvinist Flyswatter and the Reformed Flyswatter (see Archives). Among other things, he has "played footsies" with several sources to demonstrate and call attention to the broadness of his affection for fellowship with those with whom he may have differences.

This recent fool-hardy criticism of Spurgeon just adds to the list of Burleson's peculiar mental and theological burlesque which he has found reason to frequently demonstrate on rather elaborate public stages.

This latest manifestation of his aberrancy about Spurgeon adds to the list of his other aberrant views, such as:

On Landmarkism

On Hybrid Calvinism

On Campbellism

On Tongues

And this is not to mention how he likes to cavort with the anti-inerrantist crowd and the Jimmy Carter-led movement, his obsession with being anti-Southwestern Baptist Seminary, and his obsession with the FBCJax Watchdog ordeal of a few months ago.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Spurgeon's Sermons on Internet


The following report is from Brother Emmett O'Donnell who has for several years been committing C. H. Spurgeon's New Park Street Pulpit and Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit to the Internet. He has completed 57 volumes and has only Volumes 58-63 remaining.

August 19, 2009


In God’s perfect timing, Volume 57 of Brother Spurgeon’s sermons is now on our site.

And, Lord willing, Brother Allan Roman, of Mexico City, will send me his 337th Spanish translation tomorrow.

Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to God the Father!
Not Mary. Not Moses. Not Mohammed.
JESUS CHRIST is the only way.
(John 14:6).

Brother Emmett O'Donnell

Over 3,200 free C.H. Spurgeon sermons in today's language.

“The Doctrine of Election is not one about which you need trouble yourself just now. Begin to read your Bible and the Gospel according to Matthew, and see there how you are bid to repent and invited to come to Christ. When you have done that, you can go on to the Epistles and read about Election and all the other Doctrines of Grace, but your first business is to repent of sin and to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ!—
CHS—Volume 57, Sermon #3262

Bob's Note:

I am taking the liberty to inform you about the abnormal circumstances under which Brother Emmett does his work of putting Spurgeon's sermons on the Internet. I want you to appreciate the obvious dedication the Lord has given to Brother Emmett to do this work; I just believe you ought to know.

Also, it should be noted that he was neither solicited to do this work nor is he paid to do it; it is strictly a work the Lord laid on his heart to do, and he has never asked for any financial payment for doing it. His reward is the joy he receives from the many thousands of "hits" which his website receives.

Awhile back, I asked Brother O'Donnell to give me an account of his physical state, inasmuch as I knew him to be less than physically "normal" in the use of his bodily parts due to a past injury. Here is what he wrote:

April 18, 2009

Brother Bob,

On August 3, 1981, about seven years before the Lord saved me, He chastised me as I was attempting my second try at “body surfing” in Hawaii. He arranged for a wave to twist my neck so that I was totally paralyzed from my shoulders down. When I left the hospital (SW Memorial) in late February, 1982, I was considered by the medical profession to have “paraplegia” which means I had the partial loss of all my limbs. Many people think I had a stroke because my right side is severely paralyzed, but my right is not. I was 39 at the time — I’ll be 68 in November.

I improved to the point where I was walking with a cane—all in our Lord’s purpose. By 1996 numerous falls necessitated I walk with a walker which I use now in the house. If we go out, which is quite a bit, I use a power chair to get around. With equipment, I am able to drive—our last trip of over 6,500 miles was last summer.

The Lord is keeping me in line with helicopter rides (one) to TexSan Heart Hospital in late March. I have problems with my heart and a few other things. I seem to be OK, heart-wise, now — after about $20,000 for the ride and the care. But our Lord has provided.

I can still type using my right middle finger and three fingers on my left hand and its thumb, though you have no idea how many errors I made in this letter — the Lord provided Spell-check, so that is between Him and me.

Thank you for your kind comments.

Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to God the Father!
Not Mary. Not Moses. Not Mohammed.
JESUS CHRIST is the only way.
(John 14:6).

Brother Emmett O'Donnell


Permission is granted to copy and use this article.

Pilgrim Website:
By request, names are added to my Email List, or removed.

We are Publishers of original C. H. Spurgeon's Sermons & Other Works.

Send your email and/or snail-mail address for a Price List.

Pilgrim Publications, Box 66, Pasadena, TX 77501

Phone: (713) 477-4261. Fax: (713) 477-7561

"A Pilgrimage to Spurgeon Country"
See the actual scenes related to C. H. Spurgeon's life and ministry in England in the 1800s. This and other Pilgrim videos are now available for viewing on both --
YAHOO Video and GOOGLE Video.

Simply enter "Larry Wessels" in the Search box.

Other Internet Resources:

Selected Writings of Bob L. Ross

Blogs by Bob:

Calvinist Flyswatter --
Reformed Flyswatter --

King James Only Resource Center:

Spurgeon Gems (Spurgeon's Sermons):

Spurgeon Archive:

"The Prince of Preachers Live!"

Spurgeon sermons in SPANISH:

Spurgeon's Devotionals:

CHS' Sermons on CD / Cassette:

Thursday, July 2, 2009

40TH Anniversary of Publishing


In 1955, at the age of 20, I traveled to Chicago with another young preacher who was in charge of a Mission where he preached periodically to a few families which wanted to start a church. It was my first time to be in Chicago, and while there we visited an old used bookstore named Blessing Book Store which had quite a large collection of old books. This store very definitely became a blessing to me! [See "Dreams Do Come True"]

While browsing around the multitude of old books, my eyes fell upon a shelf which had a large number of aging black volumes of considerable size. Upon closer examination, I discovered that the words "Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit" and "C. H. Spurgeon" were gold-stamped on the spines which also had an oval-shaped logo or symbol on the front cover, proclaiming "We preach Christ and Him crucified." It was a collection of original Spurgeon volumes, published in the 1800s by Passmore & Alabaster, London, England, during Spurgeon's ministry at Metropolitan Tabernacle.

I had, in God's Providence, become acquainted with the name of Spurgeon the first few days after I was converted in 1953, and I began to try to find some of his books. I found and read some of his sermons at a local Baptist university's library and also at the public library, But I had never seen anything like this huge set of original volumes of his sermons at that Chicago store in 1955, and I immediately was seized with the desire to possess those books.

I enquired of the book store manager about the price of the books, and made arrangements for their purchase.

Looking back at this decision to buy those books I would have to say the purchase was perhaps the most significant and life-influencing purchase I ever made. It seems that everything I have done from that day forward has had a direct or indirect relationship to the books. In fact, many others have had their lives influenced as a result of my buying and later publishing those books.

For example, recently an old friend, Al Smith, who now lives in Georgia, dropped by for a brief visit, and it was one of Spurgeon's sermon volumes we published years ago which brought Al into contact with Loretta, the lady he later married and with whom he raised a family. Al brought me a box of the famous Vidalia Onions, and I would not even have those onions if Al and I did not have a mutual interest in Spurgeon!

Most of my friendships which have developed across the years have been related to the books. Most of the ministers I have been privileged to meet, most of the schools and churches where I have spoken, and most of the traveling I have done resulted from something related to the books. The highlight of my travels was the trip I made with my friend, Boxley Boggs, to England in 1996 when we spent two weeks visiting every place which was known to have been associated with the life and ministry of Spurgeon. You can view the video of this trip to "Spurgeon Country" at this Google Video address --

Fast-forwarding . . . from 1955 when I purchased the books to 1969 . . . the announcement that Spurgeon's original and unabridged sermon set would be republished was mailed in 1969, dated May 5. It went to several thousand churches, preachers, and other individuals. We received a wonderful response from interested parties, but had they known how little money we had to bring this venture to pass, we might not have had any response whatsoever. We had just enough money to cover the printing of the first volume, and we were counting on advance subcription-type orders to continue republication of future volumes. It took us longer than we expected, but the plan worked.

In July of 1969, we took a booth at the Christian Booksellers Association's annual Convention, meeting that year in Cincinnati, Ohio. The first volume was put on display and we were blessed to have several dozen bookstores sign up for buying the books as they were published.

The Lord blessed, and we were enabled to finish off the entire series in 1980. He has continued to bless the effort through these 40 years.

We wish to thank each of you who has in any way assisted and encouraged the work of publishing Spurgeon's sermons. May the Lord Bless You! Numbers 6:24-26.

-- Bob L. Ross

Friday, June 19, 2009

June 19, 1834 Birthdays

I was doing some browsing on the web for "June 19, 1834," to see who was born on that date. So far as I found, the foremost person in history born on this day seems to have been Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892).

Had Spurgeon not been born on this date, it seems this date would have "gone begging" for any significant birth, especially in Christian History.

Spurgeon is the only name mentioned on the Christian History web site, born on this date.

CHS is also the only name on the Encyclopedia Britannica web site.

Selected quotations from people born on this date are exclusively from Spurgeon:

In the Providence of God, it seems that this day in history as a birthdate of highly significant persons belongs to Spurgeon.

A small group of us are getting together in Pasadena today to remember the birthday of Spurgeon. All of our lives have been so impacted by the influence of Spurgeon that we have no idea where or what we would have been had we not come into contact with his Christ-exalting sermons and other works. We give thanks to the Lord for this birth which was 175 years ago and what the child born on that day has meant to us with respect to our faith in Christ and understanding the teachings of the Word of God.

He was born in the humble village of Kelvedon, Essex, England, several miles northeast of London. He would eventually be converted in 1850 in the city of Colchester a little further eastward, then soon thereafter be baptized on May 3 in the River Lark near Isleham, preach his first sermon at age 16 in a cottage at Teversham, pastor his first church in the village of Waterbeach in 1851, and be called in 1854 to pastor the church known as the New Park Street Chapel (later, Metropolitan Tabernacle) in London, a pastorate which lasted till his death in 1892. See the Biography page at this web site:

Today, in this age of advanced technology in communications, Spurgeon's sermons and works are known worldwide and easily accessible on the Internet and in other forms. As D. L. Moody said of Spurgeon at a meeting at Spurgeon's church at a Jubilee Service on June 18, 1884:

"You are never going to die. John Wesley lives more today than when he was in the flesh; Whitefield lives more today than when he was on this earth; John Knox lives more today than at any other period of his life; and Martin Luther, who has been gone over 400 years, still lives. Bear in mind, friends, that our dear brother is to live for ever. We may never meet together again in the flesh, but by the blessing of God I will meet you up yonder" (Memorial Volume, Mr. Spurgeon's Jubilee, page 9).

Monday, June 15, 2009

"Ask not . . . "

Do You Suppose JFK's Speech-Writer Ever Read C. H. Spurgeon?

Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, Volume 51, Year 1905, pages 246, 247:

I once heard a minister speak very grumblingly of the Baptist denomination. He said, “I do not know what the denomination ever did for me.”

I could not help thinking to myself, “Well now, that is a question which has never occurred to me and probably never will. The question that has occurred to me is, What can I do for the denomination?’”

And I think that is the kind of question which every Christian minister ought to ask, not only concerning the denomination, but concerning Christians in general. We ought not to ask, “What can these people do for me?” No, put the shoe on the other foot and say, “What can I do for these people?”

If you want to love a man, you must not get him to do you a kindness, but you must do a kindness to him and then you will love him. You cannot do good to another person without finding growing up in your heart some degree of interest in the person to whom you have done that good. It is possible that a child may forget its mother, forget that it drew its life, its nourishment and all the comforts of its infancy from its mother, but the mother does not forget that she reared it in its weakness and brought it up to strength.

If you want to love a person, do some loving thing for that person and love will spring up in your soul to that person. Our Lord Jesus Christ loved His disciples unselfishly—let us do the same.

Entire sermon is at

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Spurgeon makes Reader's Digest

"They never said that" --
Spurgeon said it.

Pastor Lennie Wilson of Rosedale Baptist Church, Beaumont, Texas, called my attention to an item in the June 2009 Reader's Digest, pages 158, 159.

In the article entitled, "They Never Said That," we find the following;

Just as an exercise, go to your computer's search engine and type in four words: lie, truth, boots, and world. You will get thousands of references to variations of the following quote: "A lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth can get its boots on."

Most will cite Mark Twain as the author of the aphorism. Al Gore has given Twain credit for it. So has Mississippi governor Haley Barbour.

But Twain didn't say it. Charles Haddon Spurgeon did, in 1855, and he attributed the wisdom to "an old proverb." Spurgeon was a mid-19th-century British pastor, as famous in his time as Rick Warren and Billy Graham are today in the United States. But that's the thing about fame: It can be fleeting.
-- Carl M. Cannon.

While we appreciate Mr. Cannon's information about the quotation, his comment about fame might come in for some question in regard to Spurgeon's fame. If you enter Spurgeon's name in any form on your web search engine or on the image search, you will find that Spurgeon is still rather famous. There are thousands of links to Spurgeon, and there are many websites which feature his sermons and other writings.

Monday, May 25, 2009

"Tom come lately"?

Ascol's Critique of SBC's
Cooperative Program Not New

Tom Ascol, director of the "Founders Ministries," has of late been reversing his scope of focus by at least writing favorably about "church planting" and the "Great Commission Resurgence" proposed by Dr. Daniel Akin of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and more recently puffed by Dr. Johnny Hunt, President of the Southern Baptist Convention. Up till more recent times, Ascol's and the Founders' "purpose" has been theological "reform," seeking to make Hybrid Calvinists out of alleged Arminian Southern Baptist pastors and churches.

In Ascol's latest post, the successor of Ernest Reisinger, Founder of the Founders, says the following about the Cooperative Program of the Southern Baptist Convention:

The IMB announcement that financial shortfalls are forcing a reduction in the number of missionaries that we will send to hard places this year highlights the timeliness of the GCR call. I first wrote about this in December 2008, noting that it is time for Southern Baptists to get serious about the allocation of Cooperative Program dollars. Three years prior to that, I showed how money given through state conventions to the Cooperative Program (CP) actually is allocated. The little-known fact is that most CP dollars are used by the state conventions through which they are given. Less that 40% actually reaches Nashville and less than 20% gets to the IMB.
Now the trustees of the IMB are forced to announce (through tears, according to the BP report) that there is not enough money to appoint all of those who are willing, equipped and ready to be sent by their churches. Can we sit back and let this happen? Isn't it past time for Southern Baptists to reevaluate the structures of our convention organization and see how we can improve our financial stewardship?

Yes, Tom, it is "past time." But this is nothing new. You have not made a major discovery of some sort. It has been "time" for years now.

Ascol -- and any others -- who have begun recently to critically evaluate the SBC program are "Johnny-come-latelies," so far as some are concerned. At least a few of us are still around from the 1950s and 1960s who complained about the deficiencies of the Cooperative Program long before the Founders Ministries was born.

For instance, back in the early 1960s, I put together and published a collection of SBC news items and other materials entitled, The Southern Baptist Convention and the Cooperative Program, which documented numerous deficiencies in "The Program." To do this, one merits being branded, "An uncooperating Baptist."

Among other things, there was a photographically-reproduced letter from the Foreign Mission Board of the SBC, headed by Baker J. Cauthen. This letter, dated September 14, 1959, revealed that the "active" or "locatable" SBC membership at that time (9,206,756) gave an average of less than $1.00 per Sunday to "all causes" of which only 15.5 cents per Sunday was for "all missionary causes" -- thru the Cooperative Program.

But more startling was the fact that barely over 3 cents per Sunday ($1.67 average per member, yearly) went to "foreign missions," according to the letter, signed by Eugene Hill.

And what was the prevailing attitude of Southern Baptist leaders and pastors at that time to such depressing stats? They persisted in declaring that the "The Program" was both "scriptural and reasonable" (E. S. James, The Baptist Standard, Sept. 26, 1952). The Alabama Baptist state paper alleged, "Any criticism of the Cooperative Program must stem from jealousy or a spirit of individualism" (Nov. 1, 1962). A tract written by Albert McClellan and published by the SBC pronounced the Cooperative Program to be "the Holy Spirit's way of doing missions."

Chances are, SBC ministers such as Ascol, Johnny Hunt, and Wade Burleson will never really get around to making any serious changes to the Cooperative Program. They will probably "line up" with what the Baptist Standard once said: "The Cooperative Program has made us what we are, and the Cooperative Program will carry us onward, if we stay with it," and with what the Mississippi Baptist Record said, "Were it not for our Cooperative Program our whole misson program would collapse."

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

An inerrant gospel?

No Inerrant Scriptures,
No Inerrant Gospel

"The world is on fire and we are putting it out with the gasoline of inerrancy. It's time we focused on dousing the fire with the water of the gospel," according to Pastor Wade Burleson in his May 20, 2009 blog.

Brother Wade seems to be smitten with finding fault with those in the Southern Baptist Convention with whom he disagrees. Now he is harping against those who apparently are viewed by Wade as allegedly being close to "making an idol of the Bible" like unto the Muslims' attitude toward their Koran. Be that as it may [whoever these strange "inerrantists" are], Wade's nit-picking leaves us with a very serious dilemma.

While Wade says we need to be "focused on dousing the fire with the water of the gospel," the fact is, the gospel which is the power of God unto salvation and is capable of dousing the fire is derived from the Bible -- not from sources who downgrade the inerrancy of the Scriptures. Modernists, Liberals, Neo-orthodoxists, and their kind never contributed very much -- if anything -- to the Gospel and its accomplishments such as we find in the case of the inerrantists -- men such as Spurgeon, D. L. Moody, George Whitefield, and other notable men of Christian history.

The question is, if the SOURCE of the Gospel is not inerrant, on what basis may we accept what is affirmed about the Gospel in that source?

Wade's idea reminds me of those who claim they accept Jesus, but they do not accept the views which maintain His virgin birth, deity, substitutionary death, and resurrection.

The Gospel is rooted in the Scriptures, and if the Scriptures are not inerrant, on what basis can we have confidence that the Gospel is everything the Scriptures affirm of the Gospel?

Monday, May 11, 2009

Wade's World

Did Wade Have "One Too Many"
When He wrote "Hardball Religion?"

Pastor Wade Burleson has a blog item which is critical of Peter Lumpkins' book on the matter of "total abstinence." Peter is for it, and Wade does not approve of Peter's view.

I'm not focusing on this difference between Wade and Peter, but what I found in Wade's article which aroused my curiosity was his statement, "I would much rather be personally led by the Spirit than by a man who claims his view is law for me."

I assume this means that Wade is "led by the Spirit," but Peter is a legalist -- at least, on this particular issue.

After reading Wade's "Hardball" book, I wonder if Wade may have had "one too many" when he put that book together. Surely, Wade does not appear to have been "led by the Spirit" when he tried to manipulate my book on Landmarkism so as to imply that the book supported his twisted presentation. If not dizzy on liquor, Wade was certainly inebriated on something when he tried to pull-off that sleight-of-hand act.

Was Wade "led by the Spirit" when he used a familiar Campbellite device, subterfuge, in his misuse of my book on Landmarkism?

Was Wade "led by the Spirit" when he falsely accused the Campbellite "Church of Christ" in regard to the administrator of baptism? See here.

Was Wade "led by the Spirit" when he said I was "not a Southern Baptist" and then later said that I was a Southern Baptist? Which time was he led by the Spirit?

Was he "led by the Spirit" when he adopted the "born again before faith" Hybrid Calvinist heresy of the Reformed Pedobaptists (baby baptizers)?

Was he "led by the Spirit" when he adopted a One Man Landmaker position by aligning himself with a certain view on the administrator of baptism?

Was he "led by the Spirit" when he wrote a book concerning which the Publisher, Smyth & Helwys, deemed it necessary to attach a "Disclaimer" to what Wade wrote?

Was he "led by the Spirit" when he endorsed the IMB policy on "public" tongues, but rejected the IMB policy on "private" tongues? How can Wade consistently endorse the policy of forbidding "publicly speaking in tongues" but defend "tongues in private"? If Paul's "command" -- forbid not to speak with tongues in 1 Cor. 14:39 - relates to "private" tongues, why not to "public" tongues, also? See here.

Was Wade "led by the Spirit" when he presented an erroneous version of Baptist history? See here.

Perhaps Wade did have one -- or maybe, two -- too many when he was compiling his book, for surely he can't blame the Spirit for these blunders.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Spurgeon sermons on the web

55 Volumes of Spurgeon's Sermons
Now on the Internet

Forty years ago (1969), we launched the reprinting of C. H. Spurgeon's 63 volume set of New Park Street and Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, Years 1855-1917, a total of 3,563 sermons.

Several years ago, with the introduction of the Internet, Brother Emmett O'Donnell rather quietly and without any fanfare, began the unpaid task of putting the entire set of sermons on the web. Emmett's hand has been on the plough ever since, and he has just reported that he has completed 55 volumes of the set -- a tremendous feat for one who is relatively immobile due to physical injuries received years ago.

When we launched the reprinting of the books in 1969, we never dreamed of the origin of the Internet and that one day the Lord would put it into the mind and heart of someone to put the sermons on the web, and so we stand in awe of how the Lord has used and continues to use his servant, Brother Emmett O'Donnell.

Not only the sermons in English, but Brother Emmett also is responsible for the Spanish sermons being put on the web, as translated in Mexico City by Brother Allan Roman (see earlier post).

Here is Emmett's latest report:

April 18, 2009

Dear Ones,

Rejoice with me that our Lord continues to use me to work on the Spurgeon sermons. By His Grace there are now 55 complete volumes on our site. I covet your prayers that He would keep me faithful to this work.

Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to God the Father!
Not Mary. Not Moses. Not Mohammed.
JESUS CHRIST is the only way.
(John 14:6).

Brother Emmett O'Donnell

Over 3,000 free C.H. Spurgeon sermons in today's language.

Friday, April 10, 2009

6th anniversary of translating Spurgeon

Spanish Translation of Spurgeon's
Sermons Started Six Years Ago
in Mexico City

The following is from Allan Roman, Spanish translator in Mexico City, via Emmett O'Donnell here in Texas, who is putting Spurgeon's sermons on the web at

April 10, 2009

Well, Brother Emmett,

Six years ago today Brother Bob Ross announced the "birth" of your site on the world wide web.

I have been praying that our Father would draw hundreds of millions of Spanish-speaking Roman Catholics to our Master through your site. However many He has drawn, I thank Him and praise Him for using you so wonderfully. -- Allan

[Original announcement of April 10, 2003 by Bob L. Ross:]


In November of 2000, we were blessed by a visit by Brother Allan Roman of Mexico City. We had a great time of fellowship together. Allan is a great admirer of the sermons by C. H. Spurgeon, and he is now engaged in the early work of translating into the Spanish language the first few of what is hoped to be hundreds, if not thousands, of these great sermons.

In June of 2002, Allan visited us again, this time accompanied by his co-worker, Bro. Thomas Montgomery. Another great time of fellowship and discussion about the work in Mexico was enjoyed. These two brethren are working together on behalf of the Gospel of Christ in Mexico, translating, publishing, and doing other things to spread the Word of God. We bid them Godspeed!

The first sermons by Spurgeon to be translated will be those 35 sermons which we published a couple of years ago in a book called THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO C. H. SPURGEON, a project to which Brother Roman made a substantial contribution. Many of you on my list also made donations for this project.

Now in Mexico City, the same Spanish sermons will first be published in individual booklets as the translating work progresses, then when all 35 are finished they will be put into a complete bound book. What a great work, to have these 35 sermons in Spanish!

Here is a message Allan recently sent to us, and as you can see these sermons are now being put on the internet:

>> ALLAN ROMAN writes:

Dear Brother, we are progressing consistently concerning the translations. Six sermons have been translated into Spanish. We are in the process of having a website with the sermons to be incorporated as we translate them. We will start with the six presently available.

The website address is:

It is under construction, but you can visit it now to see how it will look. Your comments will be most welcomed.

I have a new e-mail address just for the purpose of related questions to the sermons.

The address is:
Feel free to use it any time.

Once in place, I will ask you to help us let people know, probably through your own site, that the sermons are available in Spanish. Also, I am ready for the next order of Sermons.

God Bless You,

The foregoing was communicated to us by --

Brother Emmett O'Donnell
Over 3,000 free C.H. Spurgeon sermons in today's language.

BOB'S NOTE: We donate monthly to the translating work being done by Brother Roman. If you wish to contribute, please contact Brother Montgomery at this email:

Monday, April 6, 2009

Akin on "Ordo Salutis"


By Stephen Garrett on BaptistGadfly

Dr. Danny Akin, according to Tom Ascol of the Founders organization, see here, will be guest speaker at the annual Founders breakfast this June in Louisville. I have a suggestion for Dr. Akin and Dr. Ascol. Why not have Dr. Akin talk about how conversion and regeneration are virtually the same, how they are concurrent, and how, if logical priority is to be given to one, it must be to conversion, not to regeneration?

Here is what Dr. Akin has published in his book, A Theology for the Church, on the subject:

"However, the Holy Spirit uses means, and the instruments he employs to achieve regeneration are the gospel (James 1: 18, 21; I Pet. 1: 23) and the messengers who share it (I Cor. 4: 15). If the gospel is not available, the saving, regenerating work of the Holy Spirit is also absent. This disturbing truth gives urgency to the missionary mandate of the Great Commission."

For the rest of this article, go to BaptistGadfly.

Also, see the article which was posted on The Calvinist Flyswatter awhile back:

SBC Seminary President Apparently Denies Hybrid Calvinist Heresy

Friday, April 3, 2009

Burleson's bombastic book

A Critique of Wade Burleson's Book,

It is difficult to find fault with near perfection, yet that is almost the task one faces when confronted with writing a critique of Pastor Wade Burleson's book, Hardball Religion -- that is, if we simply take Wade's word in regard to what he has written. He covers the period of 07/2005--01/2008, giving his one-sided view of his controversial term on the Southern Baptist Convention's International Mission Board.

Despite Wade's high regard for the integrity of what he has written, the publisher, Smith & Helwys, has a very small-typeface "Disclaimer" on the copyright page, stating the publisher takes no responsibility for the "accuracy" of the contents. Evidently, Wade was not all that persuasive with the publisher.

On the whole, I suppose that if one presumes to find a primary fault with this book it probably is the fact that the book is autobiographical in essence, composed by and about one who is depicted as being the only really good egg in the crow's nest. The other eggs are rotten, half-rotten, or nearly so, and the nest smells of a foul odor. Wade is, as it were, "Batman," pitted up against the Joker, the Penguin, the Riddler, Catwoman, and a bevy of unscrupulous associates which plague Gotham City.

Wade reminds me of what I once heard a fellow tell about a visit he made to a mental institution to see one of his former college classmates who was a patient. When the visitor asked his former classmate why people were in the institution, the man said, "They are all crazy . . . and you are crazy, too. I'm the only sane person in this place!"

We don't generally meet with auto-bios which are characterized so prominently by the "I'm the only sane person in this nuthouse" theme, but that's about what you get in Wade's book. He is so pristine that his chronicles of woe become repetitive and boring. You quickly sense in advance just how each episode is going to go. The overall story line is that the IMB is an institution of nutball "Landmark Fundies" run by the inmates -- with the exception of the "courteous" and "gracious" Okie from Enid.

I did not read far until I was assured by Wade that the book and his behavior in his short career on the Southern Baptist Convention's International Mission Board are the epitome of something near perfection -- Wade himself being the ever "gracious" and "courteous" notary who verifies this fact. He often reminds the reader of how he is the ever "gracious" and "courteous" one.

"Everything I wrote is truth," he says, and he "would not change one thing" which he did when on the IMB. If all was so prim, proper, and perfect, one might ask, "Then why did Wade run into so much trouble?"

Well, "it's in the book."

Wade spills the beans about all the hirelings, liars, and Mafia types whom he "graciously" and "courteously" categorizes as "Baptist Fundamentalists" who endeavor to "force uniformity" by "strong-arm tactics" to perpetrate their "stupid decisions" and "Fundamentalist interpretations."

Translation: The IMB trustees responded unfavorably to Wade's objections to a couple of requirements for missionary candidates in regard to Baptism and "Private Prayer Language."

Consequently, there was a 2-year+ battle between Mr. IMB Good Guy and the IMB Bad Guys. Sorta like a Clint Eastwood movie. One is made to wonder, "What's a nice guy like Wade doing in a place like the International Mission Board?"

"Fundamentalists" . . . Again?

If you have already met the "Fundamentalists," Wade will re-introduce them to you.

It seems that Wade's primary device for denigrating the IMB Bad Guys is to peg them as "Fundamentalists," always a sure-fire denigrating term to plaster the enemy. Anything negative which needs a little reinforcement, Wade nails it down by using the word "Fundamentalist" of those with whom he is at war --"Fundamentalist trustees," "sycophant trustees," "Fundamentalist fury," "Fundamentalist Landmarkers," etc.

But he assures us that he did it "courteously" and "graciously" in every instance. No breach of etiquette on Wade's part.

The only book I have seen in recent years to compare with Wade's is the late millionaire John Baugh's corker, The Battle for Baptist Integrity, probably put together by the late psychologist Herbert Reynolds, former president of Baylor and Baugh's adviser on how to spend Baugh's money. But Baugh and Reynolds made no pretense of either graciousness or courteousness. Talk about the Fundamentalists! Baugh and Reynolds put them on an equality with the Nazis! These two crusaders against the "politics of inerrancy," made very extensive use of the term Fundamentalist to excoriate and discredit any Baptist who believes the Bible is the Holy Spirit-inspired, inerrant Word of God.

These two men were the primary architects of the "Texas Baptists Committed" Anti-inerrancy clique in the Baptist General Convention of Texas which allegedly was formed to "save the BGCT from Fundamentalism." This elite clique was responsible for fomenting such antagonistic divisiveness among Baptists in Texas that there was an eventual "split" between the Inerrantists (who formed the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention) and the Anti-Inerrantists (those who controlled the Baptist General Convention of Texas). The TBC clique also found all their enemies to be appropriately labeled, "Fundamentalist Schizophrenics," much like the alleged persona of those with whom Wade served at IMB.

If you like tall tales about behind-closed-doors religious "crimes" written from an anti-Fundamentalist perspective, you will relish reading Wade's book. Even if it's fiction, it is the second-best anti-SBC book to the Baugh-Reynolds screamer.

Hybrid Calvinism

There is one thing about Burleson which, in my opinion, disqualified him even serving on the IMB, more so than even his antics about the alleged "Landmarkism" of the IMB baptism policy. Burleson is an adherent of the Pedobaptist Reformed Hybrid Calvinist theology which teaches that one is "born again before faith." That is not very good missionary doctrine!

My colleague on the Reformed Flyswatter, Ian Elsasser, called attention to this on The Calvinist Flyswatter blog just a few weeks ago (February 5, 2009). Notice --

Ian: Mr. Burleson seems to affirm the "born again before faith" view, common to many modern "Calvinists" (See "Please Don't Call Me a Calvinist, But..." --
Regeneration, the new birth and quickening are all synonyms for this heart surgery God performs. Before a man will ever repent of his sin and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, he must be born again. This miraculous act of God, called "the new birth," is a work that He chooses to perform, and it is without conditions.

We have exposed this heresy in particular on The Calvinist Flyswatter for the past three years (2006-2009). Burleson is infected with this heresy.

Southern Baptists are not benefited by such a Hybrid Calvinist serving on the mission board. In my opinion, he should have been given his walking papers on account of his "born again before faith" heresy long ago.


Wade twice approvingly presents a letter from David Rogers, in which Rogers says:

I am not saying that those who approved the new policy change on baptism are necessarily sympathetic on the whole towards Landmarkism. However, I do recognize the policy as reflective of at least one “plank” of Landmarkist argumentation, and a “plank” for which I believe there is no biblical basis. And, it concerns me that we, as a denomination, may be making steps in that direction. (pages 58, 252).

Unfortunately, Wade fails to demonstrate from any source -- including my own book -- that the IMB policy on baptism involves even the "one plank" which is alleged to be "Landmarkist." Wade does not show how the IMB policy corresponds to any statement or source which presents Landmark doctrine. Requiring that your missionary candidates have baptism which is characterized by the attributes specified in the Baptist Faith & Message Article VII does not rise to the level of Landmarkism.

Wade mentions the names of several well-known Baptist leaders whom he accuses of holding Landmark views, and immediately quotes from my book. This seems to imply that my book supports his allegation.

I find the following on page 48 of Wade's book misleading. It might appear to some readers (at least) that I am writing with respect to the persons named and/or their views:

Wade says:

"Many of our SBC’s influential trustee and administrative leaders (e.g., Paige Patterson, John Floyd, Keith Eitel, Bill Sutton, Malcolm Yarnell) over the past few years have had strong Landmark tendencies. Bob Ross gives an excellent overview:

(Ross' quote begins:) "According to Landmarkers," (etc.)

I am rather disappointed in the arrangement of Wade's presentation of my comments.

Does his presentation imply that Ross is writing an "overview" specifically referring to these men as "Landmarkers" and that the "overview" is referring to their views? Is this what Wade intended? If so, he is wrong.

I am not going to accuse Wade of associating these men directly with my comments as if I was referring to them, but I will say that Wade's
reference to these men is a very poor and possibly misleading intro to the quotation which Wade gives from my book.

I have found this "device" (if it may be classified as such) is practiced by some crafty writers who (1) make a statement, then (2) immediately associate it to a quotation from a source -- which at least implies that the source which is quoted has to do with what the person has just previously stated.

I hope these Southern Baptist gentlemen will not think that my remarks were in regard to their views. In the first place, my comments were made in printed materials originally written in 1963, before I even knew these men existed.

Secondly, I am not at all sufficiently familiar with the ecclesiastical views of any one of these men so as to comment on his views.

Therefore, for anyone to assume or conclude that Bob Ross was writing an "overview" of these men considered as "Landmarkers" is completely erroneous. Wade might as well have used my material in relation to the "man in the moon" as to these Southern Baptists.


Peter Lumpkins has observed:

"The only source cited for Landmark views in Wade's new book Hardball Religion is guess who? A man named Bob Ross. Do you know him? Not one mention, not one essay, not one writer except Bob Ross. Bob Ross is there but no other authority on Landmark is mentioned."

Inasmuch as I deny that my book agrees with what I understand to be Wade Burleson's concept of "Landmarkism," and inasmuch as I deny that my book alleges that the policy of the IMB is "Landmarkist," it seems that Wade Burleson is "up the creek without a paddle," doesn't it?

My book makes the effort to define from reputable Landmark sources what really constitutes Landmarkism, and it was written years before the IMB set forth its policy on baptism. There is no way whatsoever that Wade Burleson can rely on my book to support his arbitrary allegation that the IMB policy is "Landmarkist."

I will be happy to defend the book any time, any place, in Public Debate with Wade Burleson or any one of his choosing. I will defend against any proposition which affirms that the policy of the IMB is "Landmarkist," based on either my book or any Landmark source of Landmark doctrine on baptism.


Wade’s book also misrepresents the view of "Churches of Christ" on the administrator of baptism. The book says on page 2, "Landmark and Campbellite (Church of Christ) doctrines have placed emphasis on the qualifications of the baptizer". [See also page 38].

Wrong way Wade -- Campbellites do not condition the validity of baptism on the administrator in any sense.

The fact is, Churches of Christ (Campbellites) will accept any immersion if it is administered in accord with their teaching -- "in order to obtain the remission of sins . . ."

Evidently, Wade tossed in the reference to the Campbellites as if to discredit Southern Baptists. The fact that Wade does not know the view of Campbellites is reason enough within itself to suspect he may not know the view of Landmarkers, either. And he certainly does not know my view, if he thinks I agree with him on David Rogers' "one plank" notion to which he referred.

How paradoxical it is that the one source (my book) to which Wade refers for a summary of Landmarkism does not sustain him with respect to the alleged "Landmarkism" of the IMB policy on baptism.

In a comment submitted by Wade to the Reformed Flyswatter blog, Wade acknowledges that he did not get his view on "Landmarkism" from Bob Ross' book, Old Landmarkism and the Baptists. He says:

"I was calling the IMB baptismal policy Landmark (November 2005, see my blog) long before I ever heard of you or your Landmark book (February 2006, see your email you posted). So, it is obvious that you cannot be my source for whatever understanding of Landmarkism I have. As you know, you and I don't agree on many things, but that does not negate my appreciation for your ministry. . . . Bob, again, you are not the person from whom I learned what Landmarkism is or is not, but I found your book on the subject a good one." [End of quote].

In my reply on the RF blog, among other things I wrote: My book evidently left you with the same defective concept on Landmarkism which you had before you read it, and for that I cannot be pleased.

I am grateful for Wade's "clearing" me of anyone's perception that Bob Ross is in any wise responsible for Wade's defective view of Landmarkism in relation to the IMB policy or any other source. However, the use he has made of the book appears to be an attempt on his part to align his views with my views, and this is not justifiable.


Wade says on page 50:

Regarding the second policy, I have never spoken in tongues and I have no desire for a private prayer language. I fully affirmed the previous policy of the IMB that forbade any missionary from publicly speaking in tongues. We are paying our missionaries to share the gospel intelligently with those to whom they minister. Yet, if a missionary prays in tongues in private, and does not do so in public, then the prohibition of the Apostle Paul, “Forbid not the speaking in tongues,” seems to be an inspired, biblical command from the sacred, infallible text that we ought not lightly dismiss.

The problem here is obvious: Paul makes no distinction between "public" tongues and "private" tongues. How can Wade consistently accept the policy of forbidding "publicly speaking in tongues" but defend "tongues in private"? If Paul's "command" relates to "private" tongues, why not also to "public" tongues?

If "tongues" is indeed a "spiritual gift" for Christians today, why in the world would "tongues" be something to be done only as a "private" practice? And if "tongues" need an "interpreter" (as Paul says) who is going to interpret the alleged "tongue" for the person who is "privately" exercising the gift with no one else hearing what is said?

For Wade's benefit, I want to recommend Brother Norman Sellers' book, Biblical Tongues -- which ought to be required reading for all missionary candidates who will likely be faced by this issue on the mission field. Had Wade read that book, he might have never had any conflict over that issue when he was on the International Mission Board.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Probably no review

It Is Not Likely That I Will Review
Wade Burleson's Book

Some have wondered if I will write a review of Wade Burleson's book, and that does not appear to be very likely.

First, both the publisher and author do not appear to have any interest in my reviewing the book, and are evidently adamant in refusing to send me a review copy which at one time the publisher offered to send.

Secondly, Wade has indicated that I would have to buy the book if I wished to write a review. To that, I say that there will be no tornados in Oklahoma before I spend money for a book to review it, regardless of who published it or who wrote it.

I only buy books I anticipate keeping in my library, and I doubt very seriously that Wade's book would qualify.

Friday, March 27, 2009

What are the chances?

Wade Burleson Promoting
His New Book; Where's Mine?

I notice on Brother Wade Burleson's blog that he is actively promoting his book on "Hardball Religion," and he is utilizing some "testimony" type "reviews" to polish the product.

So far, I have noticed no critical reviews of the book. Surprise, surprise?

Also, so far, I have not received a copy for review, although P. K. Gammons, V. P. of the publishers, Smyth & Helwys, told me a few days ago in an email that they would be "delighted" to send me a copy for review. Gammons said he would like for me to review the book on this blog and to "let us know what you think."

S & H has since canceled that offer and Wade Burleson has not sent me a copy, either. I surmise that both S & H and Wade are looking for the type of non-critical "reviews" which Wade is now using to promote the book.

This doesn't seem to "jive" with what Wade is always gabbing about on his blog -- that is, having different points of view and controversial discussions. He even published a recent article which condemned "stifling criticism and dissent."

Yet, even though I accepted the S & H offer of a book for review, Wade informed me that I must "pay for the privilege" to do a review! What are the chances of my ever getting a copy for review? If I do . . .

Will wonders never cease?

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Out of town Monday

Don McKinney Funeral
in Lake Charles, La.

A longtime friend and acquaintance, Pastor Don McKinney of Heritage Baptist Church, Lake Charles, Louisiana, passed away Friday, March 20, 2009. I will be attending the Funeral on Monday, March 23.

We have known Brother McKinney for about 40 years -- as well as his wife, his two sons, Ron and Barry, and his brother, Lamar, and I have had the privilege to be in Brother McKinney's home and with the church.

The last time I saw Brother Don, he was a visitor and guest at Pilgrim Book Store, bringing a couple of young men with him, and they all left with some books.

Here are the details for Funeral Services and related events:

Funeral arrangements
: By Johnson Funeral Home, 4321 Lake Street, Lake Charles.

Funeral: Monday, March 23, 2009 at 10:30 a.m. at Heritage Baptist Church, 3501 Ernest Street, Lake Charles, LA, 70605.

Memorial Service: Monday, March 23, 2009 at 6 PM to celebrate the life of Pastor Don McKinney at Heritage Baptist Church Sanctuary.

Officiates for the services: Dr. Ronald W. McKinney, Lamar L McKinney, Paul B. McKinney and Gary James.

Internment and graveside service: Lakewood Memorial Cemetery in Jackson, MS, Wednesday, March 25, 2009 at 11 AM.

In lieu of flowers, Donations may be made in his memory to Heritage Baptist Church Benevolent Fund, 3501 Ernest Street, Lake Charles, LA, 70605, for his widow, Mrs. Marie McKinney.

Words of comfort to the family may be expressed at --

-- Bob L. Ross, Pilgrim Book Store and Pilgrim Publications, Pasadena, Texas 77503.

Wade's barking dogs

Wade's Dog Kennel Has
Plenty of Barking Dogs

Since Wade Burleson has assumed the role of defender of the "FBC Jax Watchdog," Wade's blog has become a regular kennel of barking dogs. Like Wade, their bark is probably louder than their bite.

They have now even put a Google "street-view" link in Wade's kennel -- showing Pastor Mac Brunson's home in Jacksonville -- and I suppose this will be eagerly accessed by the dogs as they ogle, bark, foam at the mouth, and knash their teeth.

I don't think in all my life I have ever observed what appears to be a near psychotic obsession with something on this order -- a pastor in Oklahoma sticking his nose into another church's situation hundreds of miles away in Jacksonville, Florida.

This type of thing does not add much by way of credibility to Wade's reputation as a writer, for what he is posting and saying involves a great deal of hearsay. That seems to be Wade's forte.

The fact that his publisher, Smyth & Helwys, tacked a "Disclaimer" onto Wade's book is within itself a warning as to the possible vulnerability of Wade's writings as lacking in validity.

Beware of dogs -- especially the pack from the kennel in Enid.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Enid's "Watchdog" branch kennel

Burleson, Operating a Branch Kennel
in Enid for "FBC Jax'ville Watchdog"?

Some have noticed that Wade Burleson has been somewhat quiet here of late in regard to his book. Instead, he has become more engaged in running the Branch Kennel in Enid of the so-called "Watchdog" who is obsessed with his campaign against the evils he alleges at the First Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida where Mac Brunson is Pastor.

"Very well," you may say, "but Wade is in Enid, Oklahoma. What's the connection?"

It seems that Wade sees himself as some sort of "defender" of the little dog, and he is reaching out to Jacksonville to take sides with the anonymous cur who calls himself the "Watchdog."

I would remind the "Watchdog" of that old adage, "With friends like so-and-so, who needs enemies?" and I would remind Wade of that saying, "Scratch a dog and you'll find a permanent job."

I notice that the WD tosses grateful Wade a few bones as a reward for Wade's operating the Branch Kennel in Enid. Instead of grinning, Wade went wagging his tail!

Be that as it may, helping the WD seems like a convenient indulgence by which Wade can perhaps get a little relief from the "fleas" he has brought on himself by the mess he made with his book, "Hardball Religion."

A Slice of Schlueter

A Slice of Apostacia -- Also known as


Ingrid Schlueter runs a blog which is devoted to raking up sundry garbage and scurrilous scum. It is called "Slice of Laodicea," but we constantly find that Ingrid is very selective in her slicing game.

I recently wrote to her and sent her some information about what she is forever neglecting:

"I do not know an error which causes the damnation of more souls than that at the present time. . . . Sacramental efficacy and baptismal regeneration, ALL SPRING FROM THE FIRST ERROR OF INFANT BAPTISM" (C. H. Spurgeon, New Park Street Pulpit, Volume 6, page 168).

Dear Ingrid:
You do very well with reporting on the symptoms, but why not pay more attention to the source. Here's something for your consideration.
-- Bob L. Ross,
The Calvinist Flyswatter

I sent her an item, "Thanks to the Pedos," which exposed a slice of the dark history of the Pedobaptist (baby baptizer) Reformed Hybrid Calvinists. Ingrid is a Pedobaptist Reformed Hybrid Calvinist.

Instead of addressing the issue of her ancestral lineage from apostates, Ingrid sliced her a piece of "I Can't Pay You Any Attention" Pie.

Ingrid said --
A Note About Email
Mar 18 by Ingrid Schlueter

Due to the high volume of email I receive here at Slice, email that is in addition to Crosstalk related correspondence, it has been increasingly difficult impossible to respond to everyone.

I try to read everything that comes through, but there are times when I am not able to personally respond. I want to thank every reader who has sent in concerns, links and comments. Please know that an absence of response does not necessarily mean that I have not read what you have sent in.

Additionally, I am unable, for obvious reasons, to engage in discussion with everyone who wants to debate issues, discuss theology, or who wants to argue over doctrine.

Slice is non-interactive because its growing readership can make it, in itself, a full-time job. Thanks so much for your
understanding, and again, I deeply appreciate the news items and articles sent my way.

Bob's comment:

O, sure, Ingrid, we "understand." We understand all too well. You enjoy being a part of the "Slice of Apostacia" too much to pay any attention to the historical record of your Pedobaptist Reformed Hybrd Calvinist apostate path thru history.

We understand -- you are too well content to slice away at some of the more obvious modern Pedobaptist apostates but you give a "pass" to the heresy itself that paved the way to their apostasy.

And we also understand, Ingrid, you are just one of the willing participants in the Slice of Apostacia which forever seems to dog those who supposedly are "covenant children" and allegedly get "regenerated" while they are yet sucklings on their mother's breast.

Keep slicing, Ingrid, but watch your nose -- you could cut it off to spite your face.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Smyth & Helwys' "Disclaimer"

"Fiction" and "Disclaimer" -- Both Mean
That What You Read May Be Untruthful

Our generous and courteous brother from Enid, Pastor Wade Burleson, has furnished us with a little humor.

Wade enjoys a grin, and I'm sure he won't begrudge our grinning at some of his rather humorous predicaments. Lately, for example, Brother Wade has published the following remark about the book entitled, The Shack:

The Shack is Christian FICTION. What seems humorous to me is the feeling by some that it is necessary to place a Read With Discernment tag on the book. Sometimes I feel we Southern Baptists are the equivalent of second graders spiritually. Here you have a book that is Christian fiction. There is no illicit sex, no foul language, and no promotion of immorality in the book. For heaven's sake, it was written for the author's own CHILDREN. But we stamp a Read With Discernment tag on it. (End of quote).

The "funny thing" about this which will probably make you grin is the fact that while Wade carps about this "Read With Discernment" tag, his new book, Hardball Religion, published by Smyth & Helwys Publishing, carries an even greater "read with discernment" tag.

Wade's book carries a DISCLAIMER ("Christian Disclaimer"?), which is a statement warning you right up front that the contents of the book cannot be presumed to be truthful, historical, factual, reliable, or otherwise trustworthy. The Publisher wants you to know that the Publisher assumes no responsibility for the accuracy and truthfulness of anything the writer has written.

There's one big difference between William Young's book and Wade Burleson's book: Young tells you right up front that the book is "fiction." On the hand, Wade wants you to believe what he has written is truth, but the Publisher evidently has some reservations about it, so the "Disclaimer" is placed up front to ostensibly relieve the Publisher of accountability.

I find that contrast worth a grin -- in fact, in the light of Wade's remarks about Lifeway's "Read With Discernment" tag, this contrast has become a laughing matter.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Reformed fiction

Regeneration Imparted in Infancy -- A Fiction Unknown to Holy Scripture

C. H. Spurgeon preached a sermon entitled, "Is Conversion Necessary?"

Spurgeon said,
“Except a man is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” This birth is not a birth by Baptism, for it is spoken of as accompanied by an intelligent faith which receives the Lord Jesus. Turn to John 1:12, 13, “But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believed on His name: which were born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.”

So that Believers are “born again,” and receive Christ through faitha regeneration imparted in infancy and lying dormant in unbelievers is a fiction unknown to Holy Scripture! In the third of John our Lord associates faith and regeneration in the closest manner, declaring not only that we must be born again, but also that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. [End quote from Spurgeon]

In this day and age, we have among professing "Calvinists" and "Reformed Baptists" -- such as Wade Burleson, Tom Ascol, Tom Nettles, and many in the "Founders" movement -- those who endorse the Hybrid Calvinism theology of the Pedobaptist Reformed arm-chair theologians and conference hawkers which would have us believe that Pedobaptist "covenant children" get "born again" as babies, perhaps even before they are born!

Some of our moderns are promoting the idea that Baptists ought to regard these Hybrid Calvinist Pedobaptists (baby baptizers) as being in the "evangelical" category of Christianity, disregarding the fact that they are the primary promoters of what Spurgeon rightly called a "fiction."

I had a call from a "Founders-friendly" pastor recently, and he seemed to be rather disillusioned about those who want to "play footsies" with Pedos. I reminded him that in the "Founders" movement this is a systemic attitude which is traced back to the Founder of the Founders, Ernest Reisinger, who had the Reformed Pedobaptist theological "virus" in his blood.

At the same time, I have lately noticed that Spurgeon is being disparaged by some sources -- including Reformed Baptist James White, who has amazingly and amusingly declared that Spurgeon is "not infallible" -- as if that is of any consequence so far as James' "exegeet'n" is concerned. Spurgeon could have been Humpty Dumpty, but it wouldn't be of any help to James.

I also noticed that of the books being recently recommended by "Founders" assistant pastor, Timmy Brister, nary a one is a Spurgeon book. Brister has consistently promoted Pedobaptist writers rather than Baptist writers. Reckon the Southern Baptist Seminary is proud of their graduate?

New light on history from Enid?

Wade Burleson's Revision
of Baptist History

I was doing a little "exploring" of Wade's past comments on his blog and stumbled upon what appears to be a revision of Baptist history. A comment by a reader said:

martyduren said...

Great I correct in assuming that those who departed the convention were also known as "Campbellites"?
Sun Dec 25, 08:06:00 PM 2005

Wade Burleson said...
Some became "Campbellite" and joined the "Church of Christ" movement, while others separated and became known as Independent Baptists or in some cases "Hardshell Baptists."

Does anyone know if Wade went to either a Baptist college or seminary, and if so, did he take a course in Baptist History?

In context, this person (Marty Duren) was referring to Landmark Baptists, and Wade says some joined the Church of Christ movement and some others joined the Hardshells. He did not offer any source as a reference, and what he says is completely foreign to any history I have read.

Perhaps I missed something? I used to teach Baptist History in a small theology school we once had here, and I have to admit that I have failed, if what Wade says is historical fact.

Until I see his sources, however, I will regard this information as being in the same category as other such phantasmagoria for which Wade has become rather notorious in recent years. The brother seems to have a vivid imagination.

Our combox is open for Wade to give us book, chapter, and page number which verifies what he reported on his blog. Perhaps he has a source which has eluded me and the writers I have read.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wade's Campbellite practice

How Wade Burleson Became
A "Campbellite" in His Book

How paradoxical it is that the one source (my book) which Wade quotes on Landmarkism does not sustain him in respect to the alleged Landmarkism of the Southern Baptist Convention's International Mission Board's policy on baptism.

In a comment submitted by Wade to the Reformed Flyswatter blog, Wade acknowledges that he did not get his view on "Landmarkism" from Bob Ross' book, Old Landmarkism and the Baptists. He says:

"I was calling the IMB baptismal policy Landmark (November 2005, see my blog) long before I ever heard of you or your Landmark book (February 2006, see your email you posted). So, it is obvious that you cannot be my source for whatever understanding of Landmarkism I have. As you know, you and I don't agree on many things, but that does not negate my appreciation for your ministry. . . . Bob, again, you are not the person from whom I learned what Landmarkism is or is not, but I found your book on the subject a good one." [End of quote].

In my reply, among other things I wrote: "My book evidently left you with the same defective concept on Landmarkism which you had before you read it, and for that I cannot be pleased."

I am grateful for Wade's "clearing" me of any perception that I am in any wise responsible for his defective view of Landmarkism in relation to the IMB policy or any other source. However, the use he has made of my book appears to be an attempt on his part to somehow align my book as rendering support for Wade's views, and this is not justifiable.

In this act, Wade emulates the device of a number of Campbellites I have met in public debates. These fellows -- all nice and gentlemanly, just like Wade -- were either "blind in one eye with a cataract on the other," or else they knew exactly what they were doing, namely, resorting to the use of subterfuge.

For example, I have had Campbellites lift material from C. H. Spurgeon as if it agreed with Campbellites on baptism, instrumental music, and some other matters. In a debate with Garland Elkins, he quoted A. T. Robertson on a text and tried to align the Baptist Greek scholar with Campbellism on baptism. Another Campbellite debater, Lynn Trapp, did the same thing with H. B. Hackett. I have even had them quote Bob Ross, as if I supported their doctrine! I've heard them quote Baptist manuals, confessions, preachers, debaters -- all as if they somehow supported the Campbellite's view. In fact, I have often thought that the Campbellites would prefer to use something from a Baptist even more than use Scriptures!

That is what we call "subterfuge," a deceptive and misleading device. It's like giving a street address for a vacant lot when no one or nothing is there. It's like giving a phone number for a non-existent person. It's like email spam from Nigeria, empty promises of big bucks.

And that is the kind of thing Wade has resorted to in the use of my book, as if it supports his ideas on "Landmarkism." Wade became a Campbellite in that type of thing -- at least, he has used a device which I have found to be an attribute of many Campbellite debaters -- subterfuge.

I suppose the greatest disappointment I have in Wade is this lack of demonstrating simple ethics. He never even bothered to confer with me in regard to the use of my book. I mean, that book is mine, and to misuse it is just downright meanness.

No, nice guy Wade did not do anything illegal; what he did was just unethical.

I have two dogs which actually demonstrate more ethical respect than Wade has demonstrated. When I put out the food bowls for my dogs at feed'n time, they won't even eat until I give them my approval. When I walk out the front door, my dogs wait until I give approval for them to follow me. Good Dogs develop a great deal of respect. My dogs have more respect and ethics than some preachers I've known!

Wade is perhaps still in the learning stages, for he didn't bother to even communicate to me that he was going to make use of my book. Unfortunately for Wade and his publisher, Smyth & Helwys Publishing, I learned of Wade's subterfuge from one to whom S&H sent a digital copy of Wade's book. The gentleman asked me if I was aware that Wade had used my book in his book, and my immediate thought was, What book? I don't know anything about Wade Burleson's book.

Wade didn't even bother to ask me beforehand if my book supported his concept on Landmarkism. He didn't bother to tell me that he was going to make it appear to his readers that my book on Landmarkism makes Landmarkers out of the members of the International Mission Board as well as some other Baptist leaders. It seems like Wade wanted to get this out there before I had any opportunity to say anything, pro or con, about how he planned to use my book.

The thoughtful brother who let me in on the little secret, wrote me, "By the way, Brother Bob, were you aware Wade was going to rely heavily upon your Landmark essay to sustain his attacks . . .?"

I am disillusioned in regard to Wade's ethics, for he does try so hard to persuade people to believe he is such a nice guy, ethical, courteous, generous, and full of "grace and humility."

From where I sit, that act appears to merely be a facade to be lapped up by Wade's admirers. In my case, he has acted from the old nature, the flesh.

When one tries so hard to paint an impeccable image of himself as Wade does, I am somehow reminded of that old sign on a Used Car lot --

"Honest John's -- I Cheat You Right!"

As nice a guy as Wade wants us to think that he is, he nevertheless admits to total depravity, so as good as he is, he's like the rest of us -- he is not so good as to be above manifesting at least some of the elements of the old carnal nature, and from my perspective he was certainly in the flesh when he decided to use my book as a subterfuge and he said nothing to me about what he was doing.

Maybe this experience will help Wade in his sanctification, and to grow in the grace of ethical, responsible behavior which ideally should characterize Christians, especially a man of the cloth.