Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Founders seek Pedo help


It seems that the Flounders (aka Founders Ministries) are seeking help from the Presbyterian Pedobaptists on "church planting."

The Flounders -- to our knowledge -- have spent their many years of "ministry" -- since being formed in 1982 by Ernest Reisinger and friends -- in seeking to "reform" Southern Baptist churches rather than engaging in evangelism, soul winning, and establishing churches. Lately, they have been talking a lot about "church planting," especially since Timmy Brister, a 2008 Southern Baptist Seminary grad, has become the assistant to Flounders leader, Tom Ascol, at Grace Baptist Church in Cape Coral, Florida.

Timmy has announced on his blog that he is attending another Conference. This one is the Global Church Advancement GCA Church Planting Conference,
Orlando, FL: January 27-30, 2009 (Tues - Fri).

On his blog, Brister says:

I’m hitting the road this morning to head north to Orlando, Florida (yes, that’s four hours north!) for the 2009 GCA Church Planting Conference. This conference is “an inter-denominational training event designed to equip church planters, coaches and supervisors to start, grow and multiply healthy, gospel-centered churches that result in the spiritual, social and cultural transformation of entire cities and regions.”

What Timmy does not reveal is that this organization is dominated by Presbyterian Pedobaptists associated with Reformed Theological Seminary, a "hot-bed" for the Reformed doctrine of "born again before faith," or "pre-faith regeneration," after the order of Louis Berkhof, W. G. T. Shedd, and R. C. Sproul.

How much can Baptists really learn from Pedobaptists who allege that the majority of their members are "regenerated" as babies and added to the church roll?

For whatever benefit Timmy will derive, he is paying a rather hefty price to attend.

NOTE: On The Calvinist Flyswatter, read Ruckman retreats from Marrs.

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